From our evergrowing publication list, we can identify and group our project papers into 4 main research themes based on the key topics and technologies they address. Open Access links are provided to aid dissemination and knowledge exchange of project results.

1. Mid-Air Haptics and User Experiences

This theme includes research on the development, application, and user experience of mid-air haptics, which allow users to feel tactile sensations without direct contact with a surface or device. Papers exploring novel mid-air haptic devices, user-derived mappings for haptic experiences, touchless haptic feedback, and the design of immersive haptic experiences fall into this category.

  1. Generating Airborne Ultrasonic Amplitude Patterns Using an Open Hardware Phased Array

  2. PhantomFields: fast time and spatial multiplexation of acoustic fields for generation of superresolution patterns

  3. Whole-Hand Haptics for Mid-air Buttons

  4. Sense of Agency Over Hands-free Gestural Control is Modulated by the Timing of Haptic Feedback

  5. Mid-air haptic biosignal transfer (demo and WIP papers)

  6. User Experience and Mid-Air Haptics: Applications, Methods, and Challenges

  7. Prototyping Airborne Ultrasonic Arrays

  8. Mid-Air Haptics: Future Challenges and Opportunities

  9. Feellustrator: A Design Tool for Ultrasound Mid-Air Haptics

  10. TOUCHLESS: Demonstrations of Contactless Haptics for Affective Touch

  11. FabTouch: A tool to enable communication and design of tactile and affective fabric experiences

  12. It Sounds Cool: Exploring Sonification of Mid-Air Haptic Textures Exploration on Texture Judgments, Body Perception, and Motor Behaviour

  13. FabSound: Audio-Tactile and Affective Fabric Experiences Through Mid-air Haptics

  14. A novel method to selectively elicit cold sensations without touch

  15. PointerVol: A Laser Pointer for Swept Volumetric Displays

  16. Mid-Air Haptic Feedback Improves Implicit Agency and Trust in Gesture-Based Automotive Infotainment Systems: a Driving Simulator Study

2. Touchless Interaction and Control

Papers in this theme focus on the development and evaluation of touchless interfaces, including methods for gestural control, touchless touch with biosignal transfer, and the comparison of touchless interaction techniques with traditional input methods.

  1. Touchless touch with biosignal transfer for online communication

  2. A user-derived mapping for mid-air haptic experiences

  3. Comparison of Experiment and Simulation of Ultrasonic Mid-air Haptic Forces

  4. On Quick Measurement of Airborne Ultrasound Pressure Fields

  5. Touch the Story: An immersive mid-air haptic experience

  6. UltraButton: A Minimalist Touchless Multimodal Haptic Button

  7. TipTrap: A Co-located Direct Manipulation Technique for Acoustically Levitated Content

  8. LeviPrint: Contactless Fabrication using Full Acoustic Trapping of Elongated Parts

  9. A Multi-Object Grasp Technique for Placement of Objects in Virtual Reality

  10. Comparing a Mid-air Two-Hand Pinching Point-and-Click Technique with Mouse, Keyboard and TouchFree

  11. Revisiting a classical theory of sensory specificity: assessing consistency and stability of thermosensitive spots

  12. Knuckles notifications: mid-air haptic feedback on the dorsal hand for hands-on-the-wheel driving

  13. Mental Workload of Guiding Devices: Directional Pulling Forces, Vibrotactile Stimuli and Audio Cues

  14. Using the Visual Language of Comics to Alter Sensations in Augmented Reality

  15. Audio-Tactile Integration: Concurrent Audio Feedback Can Shift Vibrotactile Frequency Perception

3. Psychological and Perceptual Aspects of Touch and Spatial Perception

This group of papers explores the psychological and perceptual dimensions of touch and haptic feedback, including studies on the sense of agency, spatial self-perception, the effect of haptic feedback on social touch, and investigations into the perceptual thresholds of mid-air haptic sensations.

  1. Interplay of tactile and motor information in constructing spatial self-perception

  2. The Sense of Agency in Emerging Technologies for Human-Computer Integration: A Review

  3. MindTouch: Effect of Mindfulness Meditation on Mid-Air Tactile Perception

  4. Responsible Innovation of Touchless Haptics: A Prospective Design Exploration in Social Interaction

  5. Multi-point STM: Effects of Drawing Speed and Number of Focal Points on Users’ Responses using Ultrasonic Mid-Air Haptics

  6. Does it par-tickle?: Investigating the relationship between mid-air haptics and visual representations of surface textures

  7. An Exploration of Just Noticeable Differences in Mid-Air Haptics

  8. “I see where this is going”: a psychophysical study of directional mid-air haptics and apparent tactile motion

  9. Interhemispheric communication during haptic self-perception

  10. Mediated social touching: haptic feedback affects social experience of touch initiators

  11. Quantifying spatial acuity of frequency-resolved midair ultrasound vibrotactile stimuli

  12. Controlled-STM: A two-stage model to predict user’s Perceived Intensity for Multi-point Spatiotemporal Modulation in Ultrasonic Mid-air Haptics

  13. Active self-touch restores bodily self-awareness following disruption by “rubber hand illusion”

  14. Mid-air haptic congruence with virtual objects modulates the implicit sense of agency

4. Innovative Applications and Future Directions

This theme encompasses papers that introduce innovative applications of haptic and touchless technologies, including uses in virtual reality, digital human-agent interactions, emotional and affective computing, and novel techniques for material manipulation and communication.